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Magical Garden


Get a jump-start on the holidays by stopping by the incomparable Roger’s Gardens’ holiday boutiques celebrating the magic of Christmas. The team at Roger’s Gardens searched throughout the world to bring the most enchanting ornaments representing diverse themes decorating the 25 Christmas trees in the galleries.

Choose from one-of-a-kind pieces exclusively created for Roger’s Gardens by its artisans. And Roger’s is known for its extraordinary pumpkin and squash selections that you won’t see anywhere else in Orange County. And they’re all grown by family owned farms in Calfornia.

Roger’s Gardens is at 2301 San Joaquin Hills Road in Corona del Mar. For more information, call 949.640-5800. or visit [url=][/url]


Wells of Life


Wells of Life, a local Laguna Beach non-profit provides clean water to the villages in Uganda at a rate of 100 wells per year. With their help, they can improve the
quality of life for 1,000,000 people in 10 years. They are providing one of the most basic human rights,  having  access to clean water.

The organization’s most important fundraiser of the year is happening Saturday, Oct. 13 from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Mission Viejo County Club. The evening includes an Italian dinner buffet with appetizer, live entertainment, and auction. Tickets cost $125 each.

More information about their event and mission can be found online at [url=][/url]. Mission Viejo Country Club is at 26200 Country Club Drive in Mission Viejo.


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